Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Little RockStar & Baker

Kyle LOVES to play Rockband. He grabs the drumsticks and goes crazy, it is so funny to watch him! He actually made it through one full song yesterday, pure luck of course! Who knows, maybe this is a sign of a future career!

Alex loves to cook....anything. He is a very independant kid and will make breakfast and lunch for him and Cameron as often as he can. Most days, he walks in the door from school and goes straight to the kitchen to make his lunch. He wanted to make a cake and some cupcakes the other day. We made a dozen cupcakes so he could take some to his friends, and we made the rest the batter into a cake. I frosted the cupcakes, he decorated them. While the cake was cooling, I was outside with Cameron and Kyle. Alex came out a little while later to play. Little did I know, while he was inside, he took it upon himself to frost the cake! It turned out quite well! He was so proud! (So was I!)


Dave Anderson said...

Marcello should teach Alex how to cook feijoada!! :)


Shanna said...

Can I have Alex?

Brandi Johns said...

Your kids are crazy. Kyle looks cute playing that. LOL

Dave Anderson said...

That cake looks delicious! I hope my kids like to cook when they are older. If they don't then I'll force them.