Tuesday, September 30, 2008

We have this bad habit at our house. When one of the boys are sick or hurt, we let them sleep in our room. So the other day, right about bed time, Alex got all sad and said his tounge hurt "real badly" and he needed to sleep in our room. I said fine, just go to sleep in there, but in the middle of the night, daddy will put you in your own room. I went and checked on him a few minutes later, and thought he looked so cute. He was almost sitting up. I love the hand on the head! He looks so inocent when he is sleeping. It's a whole different story when he is awake!
I think in Cam's previous life, he was some sort of fish. He loves to take baths and will stay in there forever. He was in the bathtub for over an hour this morning!
I have no idea why they make onsies for kids this age. He looks like such a little geek. Don't worry, he wore overalls over it!
And of course, I have to throw in some pic's of the baby!!
She was talkin like crazy!!

Kyle little friend Isaac came over to play. They are so funny together. They think they are so old. Kyle was pushing Isaac on this toy, then he decided to hop on with him. I was a little to slow with the camera to get them riding... After lots of playing, they were happy to get sippy cups, and a little cartoon time!

That's all for tonight! Sometimes it seems like our days are so busy that I never get a chance to update this blog. There are nights when I think, did I ever sit down today? That reason is a huge motivator not to give Hailey a bottle. Sad, I know. But it's a great excuse for a little relaxing one on one time with her. The past 3 and a half months have flown by, and before I know it, it will be her I will be taking to the bus stop at the crack of dawn, not just Alex. Alex's bus comes at 7:30 AM and he gets home at 11:00 AM. In that time, I have to get the other kids breakfast, go to the gym, get home, take a shower, try to clean up the house (yeah right!), and then rush off to pick up Alex. Our afternoon's can be equally as hectic. Luckily, Cameron only has preschool twice a week, and those 2 days are rough!! I can't even remember how boring my life must have been 5 years ago. What did I do with all my time?? I sure can't remember!!


Dave Anderson said...

So cute! I feel like that's all I ever say when I leave comments, but it is so true!
You do have a crazy life!! It makes my life look easy, so thanks! :)

Brad and Marci said...

I like your perspective when you say "how boring your life must have been". There are those days when I think it's so tough but seriously what would life be like without them? I really don't want to know.

the Arpkes said...

Your kids are all so adorable! It is crazy how busy life gets. It was fun today! We need to get our kids together more often.