Tuesday, March 3, 2009

I'm fully aware of it.....

I was not born to be a blogger. Either that, or there just aren't enough hours in the day. Perhaps the fact that I do have 4 kids under the age of 6 is part of it. It seems like so much has happened in the past few months. Hailey celebrated her very first Valentines Day. I did tell her she will enjoy the holiday a whole lot more when she has a boyfriend buying her gifts, and not her parents! And how boring is Valentines Day if you are not old enough to eat chocolate?? But, she did get some super cute princess sippy cups!! All Alex and Cameron cared about was getting presents. I am trying to teach them from a young age that Valentines Day is a girl holiday, a day to love the women in their lives (me), and not to expect gifts. But I must say, I did get the little men a few thing. It doesn't take much to make them happy!
My parents were here for Valentines Day. Hailey had a fun time playing with grandma!
Alex had a loose tooth for well over a month. It was so loose, it was NASTY! You could turn it, pull it, push it back, and that sucker would just stay in there! I took this picture, and literally like 2 minutes later, he was in the kitchen playing with his Pixos at the table, and you here him calmly yell, "Guys, my tooth fell out." That was it... no excitement in his voice, no running around the house screaming, nothing. I, of course, came running in to see, and he was still just playing at the table?? I guess it's not so cool to loose tooth number 2.
Kyle, Kyle, Kyle. What can you say about Kyle. Lets see. He thinks he is a big boy. He's still 1. He has the attitude of a 15 year old. Scary. He has almost no fear. Even scarier. He has to do everything by himself. Yes, everything. I talking, if a toys not working, he will go find a screwdriver and try to open it. If he wants to eat, he has to make it. When it's time to get dressed, don't even think about helping him, unless you want him to scream at you. And yes, there have been times he has been in public with a piece of clothing on backwards, but it's just not worth the fight! But, he by far is one of the funniest kids I have ever met. He stays up at night when the other kids are sleeping, and the kid shows off like you wouldn't believe. He will hide, and when you find him, he will growl at you like he is some sort of wild animal! He loves his baby sister more than anything. He has always been so sweet to her. I hope they will grow up staying so close. With all that said, I took this picture at 7:20 A.M. today. Kyle had to have gel and hairspray in his hair because Alex and Cameron did. The big boys were leaving for school, so of course, Ky wanted to go too. Next thing you know, he is by the garage door, wearing Cameron's shoes, and all he wanted to do was get on the bus. Poor guy!

Yes, this picture is out of order, but I have no clue how to move it, sorry!
Here is the first look at Alex with another hole in his mouth!
Ok, so I got the deal of a lifetime about a month ago for Hailey and Kyle. We are seriously set for live on diapers. In one week, I bought 207 packages of Pampers. Crazy is what you are thinking, right? Now this is the crazy part... brace yourselves for this. One morning during this particular week, I went to Albertsons to pick up 158 of the packages of Pampers that I had special ordered. I was in the store for a total of 45 minutes paying for my goods. I left the store with all the diapers, and the grand total, including tax was... $1.12 yes that's right, One Dollar and Twelve Cents!!
So go ahead and add me to the list of people causing the country to go into a recession!


amy anderson said...

Ok. I want to know how you got that deal on diapers. I need it!!! Holy crap! All your kids are so cute! I love when you put new pictures up!

Shanna said...

You need to teach me how you save all this money. That is awesome!

Dan~Kerst~Bree~Bryce~Braden~Briggs~Brooklyn said...

Brooke, I am adding you to my blog list. I can't get enough of your darling kids! :)