Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Alex starts Kindergarten!

Alex started Kindergarten last week. The sad news is, we went camping the weekend before, and I dropped my camera. The worst new is... I didn't know is was BROKEN until about 5 minutes before we left for school. Luckily, we had a old camera that I found and off we went to school. So, I was the loser mom who not only took my camera, but I also took my video camera. And yes, I was harassed by many friends about that. Well it turns out that it's a good thing I took the video camera to capture the first day of school because when I got home, I found out the memory stick that was in the camera didn't work. I could have cried!! So the moral of this story is... I have zero pictures of the sons first day of school. The good news is, he did GREAT at school, and is loving every minute of it. He got a "blue card" which means he did EXCELLENT! I am so pround of him! He just seems so grown up now! He started riding the school bus on Monday and he likes that also! You can see his school from our house, but I think it's good for him to ride the bus like all the other kids. His friend Tyler is in his class and they are so cute together! Alex invited him over to our house to play RockBand on the bus ride home from school yesterday, it's just funny to hear him tell me stories like that!! This picture of Alex is not from the first day of school, but it is from a few days ago...his hair was done that morning, but by the end of the day, this is what we had...


the Arpkes said...

What a big boy! I wish that Braxton and him went to the same school. That would be fun. We will have to get together soon.

Shanna said...

I can't believe Alex is already in Kindergartin. I remember when you just found out that were pregnant with him. Honestly that wasn't that long ago. Where does the time go? I miss you!